Цікава англійська

Цікава англійська

День англійської мови — це одне зі свят, які відзначаються в рамках проведення тижня офіційних мов. Його святкують 23 квітня.
Свято відзначається в день народження видатного англійського драматурга Вільяма Шекспіра, твори якого входять в число найбільш цінних зразків літературної спадщини світу.
Це дуже молоде свято, тому що вперше його відзначали тільки в 2010 році. Встановлення події стало ініціативою департаменту із зв'язків з громадськістю Організації Об'єднаних Націй, який вказав на необхідність розробити програми заходів для зміцнення традиції багатомовності. Свята на честь офіційних мов відзначають протягом тижня мов.

1.     Read and colour.

These are Winnie the Pooh and Tigra.  Winnie the Pooh is a bear. His body is yellow. His got a black nose and a red mouth. His got two small yellow ears. His T-shirt is red.  Tigra is a tiger. His body is black and orange. He’s got a pink nose, a yellow mouth and yellow ears. He’s got a very long tail.
This is Tigra’s house. The door is brown and the window is blue. There are three balloons: purple, green and red. The ball on the floor is brown and the bowls are pink.  It’s Tigra’s birthday.  

2.     Complete the sentences. Use is/are where you need it.

1.                Winnie the Pooh is a ……
2.                His body is ……….
3.                His mouth ………….
4.                His ears …………..
5.                Tigra is a …………
6.                His nose ………..
7.                His ears ……………
8.                His tail ………..
9.                This is ……………. house.
10.           The door …………….
11.           The ball…………….
12.           The bowls ……………..

3.     Answer the questions.                                           

1.     What colour is Winnie the Pooh’s nose?
2.     What colour is his T-shirt?
3.     What colour is Tigra’s body?
4.     What colour is his mouth?
5.     What colour is the window?
6.     What colour are the balloons?


Test 1
Choose the correct form of the word and fill in the blanks.
1. Paul _______ eggs at the moment.
a) ate;                      b) eats;                   c) is eating.

2. The pilot _______ songs.
a) sings;                  b) is singing;          c) don’t sing.

3. Nick _______ some food every day.
a) is buying;           b) buys;                  c) bought.

4. David _______ TV now.
a) don’t watch;      b) doesn’t watch;    c) isn’t watching.

5. I _______ in the village, I live in a big city.
a) don’t live;          b) doesn’t live;       c) lives.

6. My brother _______ go to school yesterday.
a) didn’t;               b) isn’t;                   c) doesn’t.

7. He _______ speak English.
a) do;                    b) is;                        c) can.

8. My aunt _______ letters on Tuesdays.
a) write;                b) writes;                 c) is writing.

9. My sister and I always _______ our mother about the house.
a) helps;               b) is helping;           c) help.

10. _______ she read this book every day?
a) do;                   b) does;                    c) is.

11. She _______ her room on the weekend.
a) clean;              b) cleans;                 c) is cleaning.

12. Kate _______ to be a teacher.
a) wants;             b) will want;            c) want.
Test 2
Choose the correct form of the word and fill in the blanks.
1. How often _______ you walk the pet every day?
a) do;                      b) did;                               c) does.

2. He _______ tidy up the room yesterday.
a) didn’t;                  b) doesn’t;                         c) isn’t.

3. My brother _______ the pet now.
a) is feeding;            b) are feeding;                  c) feed.

4. When _______ they water the flowers?
a) do;                       b) are;                               c) does.

5. Who _______ the floor in your room?
a) sweeps;               b) sweep;                          c) sweeping.

6. There _______ thirty pupils in the classroom last month.
a) was;                    b) were;                            c) are.

7. What _______ people decorate on Christmas?
a) do;                     b) does;                             c) are.

8. My parents _______ to the party yesterday.
a) go;                     b) went;                            c) are going.

9. He _______ early to school every day.
a) come;               b) comes;                          c) came.

10. In summer my friends _______ volleyball.
a) play;                 b) plays;                           c) are playing.

11. There _______ my books on the table.
a) are;                  b) is;                                 c) are playing.

12. Tom _______ his bed at the moment.
a) is making;       b) made;                           c) makes.
Test 3
Choose the correct form of the word and fill in the blanks.
1. _______ you at the zoo yesterday?
a) was;                     b) were;                       c) are.

2. Why _______ he _______ to music now?
a) are, listening;      b) is, listening;             c) am, listening.

3. _______ he make a cake?
a) do;                      b) does;                        c) is.

4. Peter _______ with Ann by phone.
a) spoke;                b) speaks;                     c) speak.

5. _______ we eat sweets on Monday?
a) does;                  b) do;                           c) are.

6. Tom _______ at school yesterday.
a) were;                 b) was;                         c) is.

7. In the evening Pete _______ up every day.
a) wash;                b) washes;                    c) is washing.

8. My grandpa _______ his car.
a) is fixing;           b) fixed;                       c) fixes.

9. This armchair _______ comfortable.
a) are;                   b) is;                            c) am.

10. There _______ seven apples on the plate yesterday.
a) are;                  b) was;                         c) were.

11. The weather _______ fine today.
a) was;                 b) is;                            c) are.

12. Did he _______ to the river yesterday?
a) go;                   b) went;                       c) goes.
Test 4
Choose the correct form of the word and fill in the blanks.
1. Paul _______ a book in the bag yesterday.
a) have;                     b) has;                       c) had.

2. The summer months _______ June, July, August.
a) are;                       b) is;                          c) am.

3. We _______ in the yard now.
a) are playing;          b) play;                      c) plays.

4. He _______ meet his friend.
a) doesn’t;                b) didn’t;                   c) isn’t.

5. There _______ benches outside the stadium last month.
a) are;                       b) was;                      c) were.

6. _______ they always draw pictures?
a) does;                    b) do;                        c) is.

7. He _______ a pupil of the fifth form.
a) is;                        b) am;                       c) are.

8. _______ she got a pet?
a) has;                     b) is;                         c) does.

9. Who _______ the best footballer in your team?
a) are;                     b) is;                        c) am.

10. My sister   _______  read very well.
a) am;                    b) have;                    c) can.

11. _______ he play computer games with Bill yesterday?
a) did;                    b) does;                   c) is.

12. Ann is the _______ pupil in our class.
a) better;               b) good;                   c) best.
Test 5
Choose the correct form of the word and fill in the blanks.
1. He _______ an interesting film now.
a) watches;            b) is watching;            c) watched.

2. _______ she wash up?
a) can;                   b) is;                            c) are.

3. _______ my sister a student?
a) is;                     b) are;                          c) does.

4. We _______ to the cinema yesterday.
a) go;                   b) are doing;                c) went.

5. In the evening she _______ a book about animals.
a) is reading;       b) reads;                       c) read.

6. My sister _______ the street now.
a) is crossing;     b) crosses;                    c) crossed.

7. My mother usually _______ some food in the shop.
a) buy;               b) buys;                        c) bought.

8. He _______ speak Ukrainian when he was three.
a) can;               b) could;                       c) has.

9. There are not _______ apples on the plate.
a) much;            b) many;                      c) any.

10. Tom’s shampoo is good, but Tanya’s shampoo is the _______.
a) best;              b) better;                      c) good.

11. We _______ visit the British Museum last month.
a) didn’t;           b) don’t;                       c) weren’t.

12. My grandpa _______ the plants now.
a) waters;          b) is watering;             c) water.

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